How to replace a damaged fascia board?

Replacing a rotting fascia board is quite a simple task if you know the ABCs of repairing and safety. In case you are already familiar with the process but just want to know the processes then this post is for you. But if you have no prior it is better to let the professionals handle the Seamless gutters installation and other related works.

Here is a step-by-step process on how you can fix damaged and rotten fascia boards on your own:
  • First, you have to make a stable and strong platform to work on it safely. This is important because working on a ladder can be a bit difficult and very dangerous.
  • Remove the damaged/ rotten wood including the rafter ends if needed.
  • Make sure the eaves are dry. If not, let them dry out thoroughly.
  • Treat the woods with preservatives.
  • Next comes the rafter, add the framing lumber to the rafter tails according to the situation.
  • Replace the old trims with better quality woods like cedar, redwood, etc which are known for their decay resistance. Also back prime it before the installation.
  • Paint and make sure you also fix the problem that caused the damage in the first place.

Make sure you always have someone watching over you throughout the process because it might seem easy while watching the professionals do the Seamless gutters installation but it is not. They make it look easy because they have knowledge and practice. So be safe.

In case all this seems too difficult to perform you can always call out to a professional like Efficient Gutters. Here you will find the best professional Englewood soffits installers so visit today to get expert help.


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